Friday, March 11, 2011

the preccciousss....

today is friday.
wednesday is timmy's day off. usually we do things like gardening, cleaning the house, go to bunnings, watch a movie etc and so forth. on wednesday, which was not yesterday but the day before yesterday, we did something a little more special.
we did a few of my favourite things.
we went to a beautiful town 10mins north called Kiama
we saw these seagulls (see above).
we also saw a penguin. i'm not kidding, it was just sitting on a rock next to the water for ages. i was losing my mind it was so exciting. 
we also went to the library and i borrowed the hunger games (warning! i just went to this website and the blurb for the next book spoils the end of this one. i'm so spewing right now! don't go to this site if you haven't read the book) anyway, spewing. why would they do that! 
so i love this book. this morning i said to myself, "kesh, only read one chapter or you won't get anything done today" so i read one chapter and then i accidentally kept reading.... for an hour. 
so. kiama. 
we looked at the fish market, walked around the headland, went to the most beautiful footy field i've ever seen, right on the edge of the water- it has an old score board on it with a platform to change the score so i felt it was time i pretended i was Adriana Xenedes on Wheel of Fortune and i turned those letters, baby.

we headed home to watch the lord of the rings (borrowed from the library) and i fell asleep to the soothing sounds of orcs eating each other and gollum pining for "the precciousss". 
i'm really glad to have those days off with timmy. just me and him.
tomorrow we head to sydney for my dad's 60th, where trooper can be reunited with his girlfriends and i can see my long lost family.

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